It’s Mike’s birthday today!! I am so lucky to have him! We’ve been together going on 11 years and he continues to bring so much joy to my life. Mike is turning 28, so here are 28 things I love about him!
- I love how passionate he is for fitness and his work. He lights up anytime he gets to talk about either subject!
- I love that he indulges my travel obsession! In the 6 years we’ve been married, we’ve visited 11 countries together!
- I love how good he is with kids, even if he’s sometimes shy about it.
- I love how supportive he is and always works to help make my dreams come true.
- I love seeing his smile when he’s genuinely happy or excited about something.
- I love how much he enjoys being in the outdoors. Camping with him is one of my favorite summer traditions!
- I love how he can get along with everyone. He is so easy to talk and connect with.
- Similarly, I love how compassionate he is. He is always willing to help.
- I love that he brings me donuts in bed on the weekends (haha, he knows the way to my heart!)
- I love how much he loves dogs. Show him a sweet video of a dog and he will melt. Dogs with jobs on reddit is one of his favorites.
- I love him for turning the heat on for me in the mornings, when he leaves for the gym and I’m still asleep.
- I love that after nearly 11 years together, he’s still my favorite person to spend time with. And I love that our favorite way to spend time together is quietly at home.
- I love how much he loves my family, even when it’s loud and crazy.
- I love how smart he is without being a know it all.
- I love how grounded he is. He continually reminds me of what we want most over what we want now.
- I love that he has run two half marathons with me, even though they’re not his thing. (And beat me both times)
- I love his dedication to MMA. He spends so much time training, but that dedication carries over in other aspects of his life.
- I love his laugh. His full on laugh.
- I love how much he loves hendo. I always tell him how much of a sucker he’ll be when he’s a dad. Those babes will have him wrapped around their fingers.
- I love how much he loves spicy food. Giving him hot sauce to see how hot he can go is one of my new favorites.
- Similar to #10, I love how much he loves animals. He is giddy anytime he sees a mountain goat or other animal he has dubbed cute!
- I love that he puts up with how annoying I can be.
- I love how well he provides for our family.
- I love that he is always pushing me to be better and to do hard things.
- I love how much he wants me to be happy.
- I love that he always gives people the benefit of the doubt.
- I love how good he is about going with the flow.
- I love that he constantly tries to grow and improve to be a better person.
Happy birthday, Mike!
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